Triangle Residency, New York, FCINY, Skr & Triangle Association, 10-12/ 2023
Loose Configurations, solo show, gallery Sculptor, 10/ 2023
Mänttä Art Festival, curators Petri Alamaunus & Minna Suoniemi, 6-8 / 2023
Bodies between Architectures, commission for the new Bridge Hospital, HUS, Meilahti, curator Taru Elfving, finalizing 10/2022, inauguration 3/2023
Draft, public commission, Porvoo Hellberginmäki,commissioner City of Porvoo, curator Petteri Nisunen, inauguration 29.11.2021.
Helsinki Biennial 2021, Same Sea, Vallisaari, 12.6. - 26.9.2021, curators Pirkko Siitari & Taru Tappola, HAM.
Matter, exhibition as part of the Peripheries in Parallax: Brave New Peripheries seminar, Aalto University, curators Pia Euro & Tanja Kiiveri
Moving the Horizon, Manifesta Biennial 2020, Les Parallèles du Sud, 5. - 28.2.2021, Centre Photographique Marseille, France
Borderline Art Space, Iasi, Romania, 1.11. 2020 - 1/2021, curator Catalin Gheorghe.
Muu Gaala, 19.-21.11.2020, MuuHelsinki, curators Jani Ruscica & Timo Wright
Surfacing, Työhuone, Pengerkatu 7, Helsinki, 17.9. - 3.10.2020, curators Simo Kellokumpu & Vincent Roumagnac
On the cusp of the still untitled´ on view in Esplanadi 18 SEB Bank display window 3.2. - 23.4.2020, commissioned by EMMA Museum of Modern Art, curator Ingrid Orman.
Coexistence - Human, Animal and Nature in Kiasma´s collection, 26.4. 2019 - 1.3.2020, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art
Rauma Triennale 2019, Rauma Art Museum and Tarvantori vacant former shopping mall, 8.6. - 15.9. 2019, curator Anna Vihma
In light of current events, 2019, a public commission for Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhuset, Sweden, curators Lotta Mossum & Eva Rosengren
Earth Rights, Turku Kunsthalle, 2.2. - 24.2.2019, curator Taru Elfving
Moving the Horizon, gallery Zoëme OAA (Ouverture d'ateliers d'artistes); French Institute Helsinki & Rabat, Morocco; gallery LeCube, Rabat; MuuMonday, MUU gallery, Helsinki; DEUX bis / Galerie Art-Cade, Marseille, France, 2019
Time is out of joint, solo show, Nov 2018, gallery Sculptor, Helsinki